Previous Featured Artists
This is an incomplete list of performers who have served as featured artists at one or another Easy Speak. Each name is a link to the page we made for them in the lead up to their performance. On that page you may find links to their personal pages.
If you were left off the list, please don’t take it as a slight. Chalk it up to our still learning how to do this Interwebs sort of thing.
52nd Street Band
Agodon, Kelli Russell
Arrindell, Daemond
Austen, Elizabeth
Baldwin, Jamaica
Beaulaurier and Graham
Borsuk, Amaranth
Boyden, Jennifer and Ian
Braden, Allen
Brasington, Kathleen
Brummett, Erika
Burgess, John
Call, Wendy
Castro Luna, Claudia
Caswell, Dennis
Celebration of Sam Hamill
Clarke, Christine
Clear, Therese (T.)
Coffin, Lyn
Craft, Kevin
Crist, Larry
DeCoster, Tige
Dixon, Pat
Downes, Christian
Ellis, Lynne
Fewster, David
Flenniken, Kathleen
Folk Singers In Hell
Franklin, Monique
Fristad, Erin
Golden, Sierra
Hake, Mare Heron
Hardy, Tara
Harkness, Ed
Hayden, Susan
Hickey, Michael
Hughes, Holly
Hunt, Kathryn
Hunter, Paul
Isaac, Graham
Jarmick, Chris (9/8/2014)
Jarmick, Chris (12/14/2015)
Jensen, Greg
Jones, Sarah
Joseph, Wendy
Kallos, Stephanie
Kaye, Robert P.
Killer C-Flats
Kleinberg, J. I.
Landgraf, Susan
Larkman, Sandra
Leising, Jared
Ludwin, Peter
Luna, Christopher
Maestes, Nadine Antoinette
Malone, Erin
McAleer, Jay
McMahon, Ted
Michael, Erika
Middleton, Jarret
Miller, JM
Miller, Lynn
Moni, Natasha
Morse, Sean
Munro, Peter
Myers, Jed
Myhr, Beth (Elizabeth)
Narayan, Shankar
Nelson, Paul
Olson, John
Pai, Shin Yu
Pitts, Brandon
Postcard Anthology
Potter, Steve
Randolph, Philip
Raphael, Dan
Roche, Judith
Sanchez, Raul
Sarrocco, Vinnie
Schmitt, Benjamin
Schumann, Tina
Seaborn, Heidi
Seitz, Roy
Silano, Martha
Snyder-Camp, Megan
Stanley, George
Swartz, L
Tel Aviv, Kilam
Trease, Matthew
Walker, Jeanine
Way, Lillo
Wilson, Carletta Carrington
Wolkenstein, Bonnie
Woodard, Deborah