The Easy Speak Mission

Easy Speak Seattle seeks to cultivate a welcoming open microphone community and encourage deeper artistic investigations while striving for a high level of craft.

All are welcome. We believe that community is as important as craft and artistic accomplishment, and it is our wish you will join us as we grow this unique community of writers and musicians. You have something to say that we need to hear, whatever level of experience you may bring.

We love the human voice and we want to hear yours.


Hate Speech, Abusive Speech, Offensive Content: We do not censor or edit for content.  However, we promise that we will not protect you from angry reactions to any hate speech you might be foolish enough to bring.  In fact, we strongly support those who are affected or offended by destructive content to speak up in opposition.  We will not shut down your voice, but we will raise our voices in chorus with those who may need to speak out against harmful things you may have brought to our microphone.

Paul Nelson (the one on the left). Paul is one of the curators of Easy Speak

Jed Myers, founder of the many-years-long open mike series that we now call Easy Speak (Photo: © Rosanne Olson)